January: The new year finds me mostly settled in my new home in Reno, NV, where most of my moving boxes have been unpacked and their contents put away. Jumping ahead a year, I have been asked to help with the preparing the conference program for the 2025 International Congress of History of Science and Technology (ICHST) in New Zealand. So plenty to look forward to, stayed tuned for more details.
2023 News
December 2023: The journal American Catholic Studies published my article, Cattell’s Catholics: Who were these American Men (and Woman) of Science?, in their Winter 2023 issue (link to the article here).
November 2023: As one of the over 14,000 attendees at the SC23 Supercomputer Conference in Denver, I played a unique role as a historian by helping to prepare the 35th Anniversary exhibit area, particularly three display cases with a trio of historical artifacts connected with supercomputing in the past where I wrote the accompanying text and arranged the objects and labels for display.
October 2023: My member-contributed editorial, Computer Benchmarks: 50 Years Ago and Now, appeared in the October 2023 issue of CONNECT, the ACM SIGHPC newsletter (just in time for the SC23 conference in Denver).
September/October 2023: I returned to Japan for the first time in 18 years where I enjoyed two weeks travelling from Tsukuba to Tokyo to Ishinomaki for a mix of research and pleasure activities. Highlights included going to KEK in Tsukuba and taking a tour of their high-energy physics systems in addition to spending time in their archives, looking at the Nagaoka Hantaro materials in the National Science Museum archives in Tsukuba, reuniting with my 2005 NSF Summer in Japan host Prof. Okamoto Takuji at the University of Tokyo, meeting with other friends and colleagues, checking out the cats at Tashirojima (or ‘Cat Island’) off the coast from Ishinomaki, and ending with my attending the Artefacts XXVIII conference hosted by the National Science Museum in Tokyo. It was great to be back and I hope to return soon with the help of a JSPS postdoc fellowship.
August 2023: I wish to acknowledge the recent passing of Ronald L. Numbers who was my dissertation advisor from start to finish. His patient guidance, terrific insights, forceful editorial feedback, and honest comments made it all possible for me to reach the end of that long project. It is hard to believe that a year ago he walked with me across the June 2022 UW commencement stage. I express my sincere condolences to his family on their loss. On September 2, I attended a memorial service for Ron held at the Loma Linda University Church (video here).
June 2023: I enjoyed giving my talk titled Work So Difficult that It Could Give the Computer a Headache at the 15th Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop at Notre Dame University this past June.
Coming up next will be my assisting at the SC23 Supercomputer Conference in November in Denver, Colorado, as I have become a member of the SC23 35th Anniversary committee.
May 2023: My member-contributed editorial, Processing & Production of Scientific Data: An historical marriage, now in a permanent divorce?, appeared in the May 2023 issue of CONNECT, the ACM SIGHPC newsletter.
I am revising a chapter from my 2022 dissertation for publication in American Catholic Studies to appear sometime next year. Titled Cattell’s Catholics: Who were these American Men (and Woman) of Science?, I probe the 1910 second edition of J. McKeen Cattell’s American Men of Science: A Biographical Directory with the aim of identifying individuals who, through their institutional affiliation, education, and other details, could be classified as likely being Catholic to gauge the gauge American Catholic higher education’s range and effectiveness during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Otherwise, I continue to weave a balance between my interests in history of science and supercomputing. In January my review of The Lab Book: Situated Practices in Media Studies appeared in H-Net Reviews in Humanities & Social Sciences. About the same time the December 2022 issue of CONNECT, the digital newsletter of the Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM SIGHPC), came out with my short column that offered a historical contrast between a 1922 hand-cranked calculator and the modern EXAFLOP supercomputer Frontier located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Future plans include attending the upcoming Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop to be held 21-25 June 2023 at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana.
2022 News
More news: In November I enjoyed attending a pair of conferences that allowed me to catch up with colleagues, former classmates, and friends in the history of science and supercomputing fields. Closest to home was the annual History of Science Society meeting in Chicago where I volunteered to chair the session titled “Physics in Perspective.” The other gathering was the annual supercomputer conference SC22 held in Dallas where my badge indicating my position as a ‘historian / independent scholar’ generated no few questions.
Update: On June 17, 2022, I deposited my dissertation to complete my Ph.D. in the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology at the University of Wisconsin. It is done! Celebrations included the formal UW commencement ceremony and a smaller department hooding ceremony, both shared with family and friends.
It is early 2022 and the end of my long graduate student career at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is near as I will be defending my dissertation on The Place of Science in Nineteenth-Century American Catholic Higher Education later this spring. Much remains to be done, but soon I will be giving my committee a full draft for their consideration. With thanks for their help, I list their names below:
- Susan M. Lederer, Professor and Chair, Medical History and Bioethics (Advisor)
- John Rudolph, Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
- Adam R. Nelson, Professor, Educational Policy Studies and History
- William Reese, Professor, Educational Policy Studies and History
- Ronald L. Numbers, Hilldale Professor Emeritus of the History of Science and Medicine
Watch this spot for more details as I work my way toward walking across the commencement stage on May 13th (a Friday the 13th, so appropriate) at the UW Kohl Center.
2021 News
Virtual talks remain the order of the day given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In March, I gave an online talk titled “Teaching Astronomy and Nineteenth-century American Catholic Higher Education” to members of the Madison Astronomical Society. The following month I presented a dissertation-related paper titled “Cattell’s Catholics: Who were these American Men (and Women) of Science?” given virtually at the 2021 Midwest Junto.
Also, in the Spring I was finally able to travel and utilize my 2020 Summer Award for Off-Campus Upper Division and Graduate Students travel grant from the Charles Redd Center at Brigham Young University for dissertation-related research. My proposal to explore “Early Science Education at St. Mary’s Academy in Salt Lake City, 1875–1900,” developed from seeing intriguing pre-1900 details about this school for young girls in newspaper articles that mentioned astronomy, physics, physiology, and other sciences. I enjoyed two days working the in Special Collections at BYU along with time in the Archives of the Catholic Church in Utah in downtown Salt Lake City where I found good material to help me decenter Protestantism in this one instance by looking at St. Mary’s to provide an example for my dissertation of Catholic higher education in an alternative religious context.
2020 News
I presented an online talk at the Science History Institute conference on Pedagogy, Popularization, and the Public Understanding of Science. Titled “Such an important and widespread influence on our society today”: Teaching Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the 1960s which explored how this now familiar field came to be taught in the new departments of computer science that first appeared in the United States during the early 1960s.
2019 News
I went to Denver in November for the 31st annual Supercomputer Conference in support of the University of Wisconsin-Madison booth on the main exhibition floor. Nearly 14,000 people attended this event, including many UW alums whose work involved high performance and throughput computing. Having prior experience in this field along with my historian sensibilities helped me to prepare various documents for display at the booth related to past UW activities in this highly technical realm.
In September I gave my department’s first History of Science Colloquium talk for the fall semester. Here I expanded on my summer HSS talk with the new title “Practicing what they Preach: The Bachelor of Science degree in Nineteenth-Century American Catholic Higher Education.”
Summer found me in The Netherlands for a pair of geographically and chronologically adjacent conferences. The first event, the 28th International Conference on the History of Cartography, took place in Amsterdam where I enjoyed the numerous good talks, fun evening social events, and assisting at the History of Cartography Project display table. The next gathering was the annual History of Science Society conference held in Utrecht where I helped to organize a session on science education along with presenting a dissertation-related talk titled “The B.S. Degree: A New Objective in Nineteenth-Century American Catholic Higher Education.”
The 14th Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop held at Notre Dame University in June gave me a chance to present a dissertation-related poster titled “James Curley, S.J., a Jesuit ‘comet’ in Nineteenth-Century American Astronomy.” For someone who enjoys science, technology, religion, Japan, astronomy, and all things in between, these many gatherings were useful and informative.
I was in Washington, D.C., in April for a one-day conference titled Religion and Innovation held at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. Two months later I returned to D.C. to attend the 24th “Science in Japan” Forum organized by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (or JSPS) on the theme of “New Eyes on the Universe,” a one-day event featuring two sessions about multi-messenger astronomy: gravity waves and cosmic rays.
2018 News
In November I worked as a Graduate Student Research Assistant on the 30th Anniversary Committee in support of the annual Supercomputer Conference held in Dallas, Texas. As the Artifact Display Lead, I installed historical materials in multiple display cases to help mark the conference’s 30th Anniversary in an area open to the 13,000 people attending the event. Besides working in the display area with various historical items (including a Cray-1 supercomputer) and collecting remembrances, I had the chance to renew acquaintances with colleagues from the 1980s when I worked on a Cray X/MP-48 system (SN 209) at NASA/Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. Yippie-ki-yo-ki-yay!
In October I presented a ‘flash talk’ titled “What Hath God Taught – Teaching Telegraphy at Notre Dame in the 1870s” at the SHOT conference held in St. Louis, Missouri. I also took in the 10th Annual SIGCIS gathering titled Stored in Memory held on the last day of the conference.
January started off with a happy bang related to my work as the Illustrations Editor for the History of Cartography Project when the 950+ map images destined for Volume 4, Cartography in the European Enlightenment, the next volume in the History of Cartography series due to appear in 2019, went off to our publisher the University of Chicago Press.
2017 News
In November I travelled to Toronto for the annual History of Science Society conference where I chaired a session on Science Education in the United States.
My book chapter “To Any Degree”: Jesuit Medical Schools in Nineteenth-Century America came out in August in Crossings and Dwellings: Restored Jesuits, Women Religious, American Experience, 1814-2014, volume 11 in the Jesuit Studies series from Brill edited by Kyle B. Roberts and Stephen R. Schloesser, S.J., about the history of the restored Jesuits in America.
In July I enjoyed my first visit to Brazil at the 25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where I served as the secretary to the conference program chair along with giving a talk to the Scientific Instrument Commission group titled The ‘personal’ equations of American astronomer Joel Stebbins. While in Brazil, I also participated in the 27th International Conference on the History of Cartography held in Belo Horizonte.
I attended the SIGCIS-organized conference Command Lines: Software, Power, and Performance in March at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California.
2016 News
A wide-ranging set of presentations highlighted my 2016 news as seen from these titles: Branching over History in the Teaching of Computer Science at the University of Wisconsin, A ‘New Aspect’ to Charles Coppens, S.J., and his teaching Medical Ethics, and The many universes of Seddie Bingham / Sister Aloysia (1873-1899). Besides working on my dissertation, an edited chapter for a volume about the history of the restored Jesuits in America, titled “To Any Degree”: Jesuit Medical Schools in Nineteenth-Century America, has gone through copyediting and will hopefully appear next year.
2015 News
In my work as the Illustrations Editor for the History of Cartography Project, the release of Volume 6, Cartography in the Twentieth Century in the History of Cartography series in April with its 1000+ illustrations over 1900 pages proved a definite highlight with celebrations held in Chicago at AAG and here in Madison. Next for me at the Project will be to procure the images needed for the two remaining volumes, work measured in years as these books will also have over 1000+ images each among their many pages.
As the year drew to a wintery close, I looked back over a fairly productive year. I attended several conferences, including the Midwest Junto for the History of Science here in Madison, the Biennial History of Astronomy Workshop at Notre Dame, and the annual History of Science Society meeting in San Francisco where I organized a session and presented a paper.
My future plans included giving another dissertation-related talk, titled “To Any Degree” – Jesuit Medical Schools in Nineteenth-Century America, at a conference marking the bicentennial of the Restoration of the Society of Jesus in 1814 to be held in October at Loyola University Chicago. My presentation involves a close look at the first three American Jesuit medical schools – St. Louis, Georgetown, and Creighton – and the way science appeared in their curriculum versus how these institutions dealt with science in their classical education offerings.